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Meet Akanksha

Meet Akanksha

Mindful Living Advocate and Journaling Expert

For 7 year now, I've been helping people release stress and build happier lives. It started when I first did the Sudarshan Kriya (S.K.Y) technique and experienced immense peace and joy within. It was life transforming for me. I was inspired to share what I had found with as many people as possible - so I immediately started organising stress-management programs as a volunteer with the Art of Living.

Ever since, I have been fascinated by the science of happiness, mindful living and how various techniques and life skills can help us live happier and fulfilling contemporary lives.

I believe the state of our mind determines the quality of our life. So one must learn to better handle their mind in order to better handle their life - and make it a celebration instead of a struggle.

I teach people tools and techniques to live more mindfully and happily, through my online workshops - Mindful Journaling Workshop and Online Meditation and Breath Workshop.

My workshops have helped people release stress, find emotional stability, and break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back in life. Life's too short to be unhappy, unsure, or unfulfilled. I am here to help you achieve a more positive outlook on life, and provide you with tools necessary to get there. Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the issues that are standing in the way of a happy and meaningful life.

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